ArgenZ Ultra Strong Zirconia Frame with Porcelain

ArgenZ Ultra Strong Zirconia Frame with Porcelain Overlay Dental Crown delivered to your dental practice in 7 days ready for fitting.

  • Zirconia framework where extra strength and opacity is needed (i.e. implant abutments and blocking out dark shades)
  • Perfect solution over implants and for posterior restorations
  •  Absorbs 100% of the coloring throughout the restoration
  • Noritake Porcelain overlay for mulilayered natural looking finish
  • 16 VITA shades, White & Bleach
  • Available for up to 14 unit full arch bridges
  • 1400MPa flexural strength
  • 5 Year Guarantee for fracture damage
SKU: 1895 Categories: ,


ArgenZ™ Ultra Strong Zirconia (1400MPa in strength) frame with a porcelain overlay. Having high strength and opaque properties making it a perfect solution over implants and posterior restorations. This product is using the highest grade Zirconia manufactured in the USA, isostatically pressed, and CE compliant. Finished with a Noritake Porcelain overlay for the multilayered natural-look where high translucency and strength need to be achieved.

EC Declaration Of  Conformity: Quality and Regulatory Assurance

Additional information

Bridge units

up to 14

VITA Shades

16 VITA shades, White and Bleach

Flexural strenght

1400 MPa frame

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